Availability LightWave® 6.0
Component Layout, Modeler
Header lwtexture.h
Fundamentally, a procedural texture is a function of three variables. In other words,
given three numbers x, y and z, a procedural texture calculates
and returns a fourth number t.
The variables are usually the coordinates of a 3D position, either in world space or in
some idealized texture space, and the number returned by the function is used to modulate
a rendering parameter, typically one of the surface attributes. LightWave®'s built-in
fractal noise is an example of a procedural texture.
Some procedural textures will also return a gradient. Roughly speaking, this
is the direction of the texture at the sample point, or the direction in which the value
of the texture function increases the fastest. If the texture is being used as a bump map,
the renderer can infer a bump normal from the gradient.
If your texture function is analytical, you can compute the gradient from the partial
derivative of the function with respect to each axis. You aren't required to form the
gradient that way, or at all. If the texture doesn't return a gradient, the renderer will
calculate a numerical approximation by calling your texture function at six neighboring
Textures can also return a color. This is useful when the texture will be applied to
the color channel of a surface or will modulate some other color-valued parameter.
Handler Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyTexture( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWTextureHandler *local, void *serverData );
The local argument to a texture's activation function is an LWTextureHandler.
typedef struct st_LWTextureHandler {
LWInstanceFuncs *inst;
LWItemFuncs *item;
LWRenderFuncs *rend;
double (*evaluate) (LWInstance, LWTextureAccess *);
unsigned int (*flags) (LWInstance);
} LWTextureHandler;
The first three members of this structure are the standard handler
functions. In addition to these, a procedural texture provides an evaluation function
and a flags function.
The context argument to the inst->create function is the
LWTextureID for the texture. LWTextureID is defined in the lwtxtr.h header file
and is used by the texture functions and texture editor globals.
A procedural texture can be activated by Modeler as well as Layout. When activated by
Modeler, the LWItemFuncs pointer in the local data is NULL. Be sure to test for this
before filling in the useItems and changeID fields. Note too that if
your texture relies on Layout-only globals, those won't be available when Modeler calls
your callbacks.
- txval = evaluate( instance, access )
- Returns a texture value, given the information in the access structure, described below.
flagbits = flags( instance )
- Returns an int that tells LightWave® about the texture. The return value can be any of
the following flags combined using bitwise-or.
- The texture returns a gradient (the evaluation function sets the value of the txGrad
member of the access structure). If this flag isn't set, the texture engine ignores txGrad
and, when necessary, calculates the gradient numerically (by evaluating 6 neighboring
- Set this if the texture evaluates too slowly to be previewed in real time.
- The texture uses an axis. The texture editor will allow the user to select an axis for
the texture, and this selection will be found in the axis member of the access
- The texture value is already antialiased. Currently ignored, but it may not be in the
- Use the texture value for displacements. If this flag is set, the texture editor's axis
selector is enabled and the displacement occurs along the selected axis. If this flag
isn't set, but LWTEXF_GRAD is, the texture engine will use the gradient for
displacements. If neither flag is set, no displacement will occur.
- The texture is appropriate for use as a HyperVoxels surface texture. This basically
means that the texture function is continuous and evaluates relatively quickly.
- The texture is appropriate for use as a HyperVoxels volume texture. Efficiency is
especially important for these textures.
- The texture returns an RGBA color in addition to a value.
Interface Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyInterface( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWInterface *local, void *serverData );
This is the standard interface activation for
Texture Access
The access structure passed to the evaluation function contains parameters that can
affect the texture value. The texture can return a gradient and a color through the txGrad
and txRGBA fields. The other fields are read-only.
typedef struct st_LWTextureAccess {
double wPos[3];
double tPos[3];
double size[3];
double amp;
double spotSize;
double txGrad[3];
int axis;
int flags;
double octaves;
double txRGBA[4];
} LWTextureAccess;
- wPos
- The world coordinate position of the sample to be textured.
- The position of the sample in texture coordinates.
- The size of the texture. The size value is used to scale the texture spatially. The
interpretation is up to the texture, but typically this is the size of a texture cell or
the distance between repeating elements.
- The amplitude of the texture. This value is typically used to scale the magnitude or
strength of the texture.
- The approximate diameter of the sample spot. This is useful when antialiasing the
- Storage for the texture gradient at the sample. The evaluation function must fill this
in when the flags function returns LWTEXF_GRAD. Otherwise it can be ignored.
- The texture axis selected by the user. Only valid if the flags function set the LWTEXF_AXIS
- The access flags provide information about the context in which the evaluation function
was called.
- Set when a bump is being evaluated.
- Which dimensions are used for evaluation. Currently, all three of these are always set,
but in the future, the texture engine might evaluate the texture in 2D only, for example,
and it would use these flags to allow the texture to switch to an evaluation optimized for
- Set when a displacement is being evaluated.
- Set when a color is being evaluated.
- The number of octaves, or frequencies, that should be used by the texture. This affects
the amount of structure the texture generates at different scales. This field is currently
only initialized by HyperVoxels.
- Storage for the texture color at the sample. The evaluation function must fill this in
when the flags function returns LWTEXF_SELF_COLOR. Otherwise it can be ignored..
The rapts sample contains 10 procedural textures. |