Availability LightWave® 8.0
Component Layout/Modeler
Header lwpolygon.h
Polygon Type handlers provide a way to extend the list of available polygon types in
Handler Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyPolygonHandler( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWPolygonHandler *local, void *serverData );
The local argument to a motion handler's activation function is an
typedef struct st_LWPolygonHandler {
LWInstanceFuncs *inst;
LWItemFuncs *item;
} LWPolygonHandler;
The first two members of this structure are standard handler
The handler instance create function has to create and return a LWPolyType structure.
typedef struct st_LWPolyType {
unsigned int type;
int flags;
void (*display )( void *instance,
LWPolID pol,
const LWPtypeWireDrawAccess *access,
LWPolygonTypeAccessID ptinfo );
void (*genMesh )( void *instance,
LWPolID pol,
LWPolyMeshInfoID mesh,
LWPolygonTypeAccessID ptinfo );
int (*tstMesh )( void *instance,
LWPolID pol,
LWPolygonTypeAccessID ptinfo );
void (*startup )( LWPolyTypeID );
void (*shutdown)( LWPolyTypeID polygon_type);
void * (*alloc )( LWPolygonTypeAccessID ptinfo );
void (*free )( void *data );
int (*update )( void *,
int lnum,
int change,
LWPolygonTypeAccessID ptinfo );
} LWPolyType;
- type
- Four-character type code for the new polygon. Use LWID_() in lwtypes.h to create.
There are several 'built-in' types that can not be used for custom polygon types.
- This contains bits that determine the type of the new polygon. If the
LWGPTF_SURFACE bit is set, then the polygon will render as a surface
and a mesh wil be generated. If LWGPTF_FLAT is set, then the surface is
intended to be flat. If LWGPTF_LINEAR is set, then the polygon type is a linear
curve, and the order of the points determines absolute direction rather than sidedness. If
LWGPTF_SUBD is set, the polytype creates a subdivision surface.
display( instance, polygon, wireaccess, ptinfo )
- This is called when an instance of your custom polygon needs to be drawn in a view port
using basic drawing functions. The specific polygon to be displayed and the means to obtain
the vertexes are given along with the means to draw into the view port
genMesh( instance, polygon, polymeshinfo, ptinfo )
- This is called when an
instance of your custom polygon needs to generate a standard surface mesh, which can consist of vertices, triangles or quads, normal vectors, and texture
weightings. The polygon parameter specifies the custom polygon for which a mesh is needed.
The vertex instance allows access to the vertices for the existing custom polygon.
The mesh is a structure that you fill in. (see definition below)
- tstMesh( instance, polygon, ptinfo )
- This is called to test if the given custom polygon instance is to be used.
Return 0 if false, 1 if true.
- startup( ptypeid )
- The 'startup' and 'shutdown' functions are used by the host when
adding and removing the custom polygon type. The private data should be managed
by these functions.
- shutdown( ptypeid )
- Called once when plug-in unloaded.
- alloc( ptinfo )
- This is called when an instance of your custom polygon type is being created.
Any necessary memory allocation and setup should be done here.
The free() function is obviously called to destroy that data.
- free( instance )
- This is called when an instance of your custom polygon type is being destroyed.
This is your chance for polygon instance-specific memory
instance is a pointer to the memory allocated via the
alloc() callback.
- update( instance, layernum, changeflags, ptinfo )
- This is called when the data in a layer changes. Test if the changes are relevant
for your instance, and perform necessary pre-processing.
PolygonType Access
The functions provided by this structure resemble the ones in LWMeshInfo.
typedef struct st_GPolMeshInfo {
int flag;
int type;
int nvrt;
int npol;
int ntex;
const int *pols;
const float *vrts;
const float *norm;
const int *itex;
const float *wtex;
} GPolMeshInfo;
- flag
- This flag will be set for you to indicate which additional mesh data is being requested.
When set to LWPMI_NORMALS, please compute and supply a
norm array.
When set to LWPMI_TEXTURE, please compute and supply texture data via
itex and wtex . You should always specify the
vrts and pols arrays.
- type
- The type is 3 or 4, where 3 indicates that this is a triangle mesh
and 4 indicates that it is a quad mesh. A type of zero indicates no mesh.
- nvrt
- Number of vertices in the polygon's mesh
- npol
- Number of surface polygons this specific polygon instance has
- ntex
- Texture information is organized into a set of tuples; one tuple associated with each vertex
in the mesh of polygons.
Each point in the mesh is associated with an n-tuple of polygon vertices
and weights, with the tuple order specified by
ntex .
- pols
- The polygons in the mesh are specified by indices into the
vertex array
vrts . There are npol polygons, and the
indices are grouped into
triples or quads based on the mesh type.
- vrts
- The vertices of the polygon mesh are given by an array of floats, organized into
nvrt triples.
- norm
- The normals of the polygon mesh are given by an array of floats, organized into
nvrt triples. It is important to note that these
triples should be normalized direction vectors (x,y,z). This is
only needed when flag is set the LWPMI_NORMALS.
- itex
- This array holds the indices of the polygon vertices used in a texture.
- wtex
- This array holds the weight of each texture-polygon vertex.
The spikeyplus
SDK sample project is a plug-in showing the interaction between a MeshEditTool, which creates
the polygon of a new type, and the Polygon Type plug-in, which takes care of
creating and displaying the generated geometry, |