The facilities of the Layout LScript getfirstitem() command have been made obsolete by a
series of new Object Agent constructors. The existence of these new constructors deprecates
the getfirstitem() function, and it will likely be removed from LScript in a later release.
Five new Object Agent constructor functions have been added to LScript:
Each of these Object Agent constructors returns an Object Agent identical to that of the
getfirstitem() function. Each also accepts the same types of arguments as the getfirstitem()
function, with the exception of the type of the Object Agent (i.e., MESH, CAMERA, etc.).
Objects can be identified by name (string) or by index (integer). In addition, you can
call the constructor without arguments and an Object Agent will be generated for the first
object of that type found in the system:
obj = Mesh("Cow"); // access object "Cow"
obj = Camera(2); // access 2nd scene camera
obj = Light(); // work with the first scene light
As with any Object Agent returned by getfirstitem(), you can iterate over all objects of
that type using the next() method.
The main difference between these constructors and getfirstitem() is that the Mesh()
constructor, and some of the methods and data exported by the Object Agents it generates,
are now global. The Mesh() constructor can be called from any LScript, either Modeler
or Layout.
In Modeler, an exception exists that allows you to access the currently active mesh. By
using an index value of zero (0), an Object Agent will be generated for the currently
selected mesh object.
obj = Mesh(0); // gimme the current object
The new methods avaialble from the Mesh() Object Agent in all environments (except where
noted) are:
This method reports the total number of points
in the Mesh object, or optionally in an individual
layer of Mesh (use the new 'totallayers' data member
to determine the valid layers in the object).
Reports the number of polygons in the object, or
optionally in an individual layer of the Mesh.
Returns the integer layer number that contains
the identified point or polygon.
This method returns one of two types of values,
depending upon the argument provided.
If the argument is a Point identifier, then the
vector position of the point is returned.
If the argument is a Polygon identifier, then the
bounding box of the polygon is returned as a low
and high vector.
If the argument is an integer layer identifier,
then the bounding box of the mesh data found in
that layer are returned as a low/high vector pair.
Finally, if no argument is provided, then the
sum-total bounding box of all mesh data found in
all valid layers are returned as a low/high vector
Reports the integer count of the number of vertices
that comprise the identified Polygon.
Returns the Point identifier found at the indicated
index offset of the identified Polygon.
Cause the object for which the Agent is proxy to
become the current selection. In Layout, this selects
the object in the scene. In Modeler, this switches the
object into the active edit.
select(<point>|<polygon>) (MODELER ONLY)
Selects the identified Polygon or Point. Because
component selection is unique to mesh editing, this
method is only available when executing under Modeler.
New and altered data members for the Mesh Object Agent:
This data member holds a string used internally
by Modeler to uniquely identify the loaded object.
This data member holds a character string that
represents the identifier for the object seen by
the user in the GUI.
filename (MODELER ONLY)
Holds the full-path filename for the object. If
the object has yet to be saved to disc, then this
value will be 'nil'.
A new Object Agent type exists globally in LScript, providing an interface to access Vertex
Maps within the LightWave environment. The constructor is called VMap(), and in most cases
can be used globally.
This constructor returns a VMap Object Agent. VMaps can be identified by name (string) or
by integer index of a particular VMap type. These VMap types are described below.
VMSELECT "select"
VMWEIGHT "weight"
VMSUBPATCH "subpatch"
VMTEXTURE "texture"
VMMORPH "morph"
VMSPOT "spot"
VMRGB "rgb"
VMRGBA "rgba"
VMap() will return 'nil' if no Vertex Maps of that type currently exist in the system.
Invoking VMap() without a specific Vertex Map type argument will cause VMap() to return
the first Vertex Map it encounteres in the system. From this starting Vertex Map, all
other existing maps can be iterated through using the next() method. Iterating through
maps using next() does not regard type boundaries, so you must watch the type of the
Vertex Map is you wish to process only specific types.
The following data members are exported by the Vertex Map Object Agent:
The name of the Vertex Map associated with the
Object Agent.
The number of values associated with each vertex in
the map. This value can be zero (0).
The type of the Vertex Map associated with the Object
Agent. It will be one of the constant values defined
above (VMSELECT, VMWEIGHT, etc.).
The following methods are exported:
Returns the total number of Vertex Maps of the Object
Agent type found in the current environment.
Reports whether or not the specified point identifier
exists in the map. The return value is true or false.
Returns the value(s) associated with the specified point
identifier in the Vertex Map. If a specific value index
is not provided, the count of items returned will be
equal to the value contained in the 'dimensions' data
member. If the point does not exist in the Vertex Map,
or the dimensions of the Vertex Map are zero (0), then
'nil' is returned (use isMapped() and/or the 'dimensions'
data member to avoid these situations).
setValue(<point>,<value>|<array>[,<index>]) (MODELER ONLY)
Sets the value(s) of a specified point identifier in the
Vertex Map. If an individual value is provided, then that
value is placed into the first value slot for the point.
An optional index value will position the individual
value into that value slot for the point.
An array of values can also be provided to be used as
the values for the point identifier. If no optional
index is included, then each element in the array will
be placed into the corresponding value slot for the
point identifier in the Vertex Map. If an index is
provided, then elements in the array will begin
populating the values for the point identifer at the
indicated index offset.
Modification of a Vertex Map using the setValue()
method is considered mesh editing, and can only be
performed within Modeler LScript. Consequently, this
method does not exist in Object Agents generated from
Layout LScripts. Further, you must be within an
initiated Mesh Edit session before you can successfully
invoke this method.
The following is an example Modeler LScript that allows the user to select an existing Weight
VMap, and will then apply a scaling factor uniformly to each of its values:
@version 2.1
vmap = VMap(VMWEIGHT) || error("No weight maps in mesh!");
while(vmap && vmap.type == VMWEIGHT)
vmapnames += vmap.name;
vmap = vmap.next();
reqbegin("Scale Weight VMap",true);
c1 = ctlpopup("VMap",1,vmapnames);
c2 = ctlnumber("Scale by (%)",50.0);
return if !reqpost();
vndx = getvalue(c1);
amount = getvalue(c2) / 100.0;
vmap = VMap(vmapnames[vndx]) || error("Could not instance VMap '",vmapnames[vndx],"'!");
values = vmap.getValue(p);
for(x = 1;x <= vmap.dimensions;x++)
values[x] *= amount;
A new Object Agent type exists within Layout LScript, providing access to defined channel
groups. The ChannelGroup() Object Agent constructor returns a ChannelGroup Object Agent.
This Object Agent is similar to a standard Layout Object Agent in its interface, but
only supports a limited subset of the methods and data members. Its primary purpose is
to provide a means of enumerating Channel Groups in Layout, some of which may be "hidden"
(i.e., unassociated with an actual object).
ChannelGroup() will return 'nil' if no channel groups exist in Layout (which is a highly
unlikely situation, but you should still code for the possibility in the interests of
good programming).
Calling ChannelGroup() without a specific channel group name will return the first channel
group defined in the system. From this starting point, all other existing channel groups
can be iterated through using the next() method. As with any Layout Object Agent, next()
will return 'nil' when no further channel groups exist.
The ChannelGroup() constructor also accepts a channel group identifier (as a string) so
that you can generate an Object Agent for a specific channel group. For instance, to
access the channel group generated by the LW_MasterChannel plug-in:
group = ChannelGroup("MC");
Of course, if the LW_MasterChannel plug-in is not active, then this call to ChannelGroup()
will return 'nil'.
The following data members are exported by the ChannelGroup Object Agent:
The name of the channel group for which the Object
Agent serves as proxy.
Holds the parent channel group of the current
Object Agent. If no parent exists, this data member
wil be 'nil'.
The following methods are exported:
Each of these returns a Channel Object Agent (see
later in this document for new methods and data members
available from Channel Object Agents).
Returns the next channel group in the list.
LScript's internal IPC mechanism can now be "localized" to the current host (Modeler,
Screamernet, etc.). This prevents other processes running the same IPC script on the
same machine from colliding with established Queues. This mechanism is enabled with
the new "@localipc" pragma.
Please note that this mechanism will not function correctly under Mac operating systems
up through version 9. IPC Queues will continue to be global regardless of the presence
of this pragma in the script.
Linear arrays can now be appended (or created) using the overloaded '+=' assignment
operator. When applied to an existing array, the data being added is placed into
a new element at the end of the existing linear list of elements:
a[1] = "Bob";
a[2] = 1.0;
a += <1,2,3>; // placed into a[3]
In addition, new linear arrays can be generated automatically when the overloaded
'+=' oeprator is used with a variable containing a 'nil' value:
vmapnames = nil;
vmapnames += vmap.name;
vmap = vmap.next();
Because LScript automatically initializes unused variables with a 'nil' value, the
explicit assignment of 'nil' illustrated in the code fragment above is only
necessary if the variable contains a value other than 'nil', or is already
hosting an existing array.
The LScript pre-processor supports a new sequential variable designator. The
constructor is formed by surrounding an elipse ('..') with integer values that
serve as the range of values to generate. The base variable name precedes the
initial integer value, and is used to generate each declared variable.
For instance, this sequential veriable designator:
will be expanded by the pre-processor to:
Sequential variable designators can be used anywhere in your script code you
would normally declare multiple variables. The following code, for example:
(lex1..5) = parse(" ",line);
is functionally equivalent to:
(lex1,lex2,lex3,lex4,lex5) = parse(" ",line);
Many new Panels-based requester controls have been added to LScript.
A floating-point mini-slider field that displays values
as percentages. Returns a floating-point value with
A floating-point mini-slider field that displays values
as angles (in degrees). Returns a floating-point value
with getvalue().
Note that angles values are in radians. Use the LScript
rad() and deg() functions to convert between degrees and
radians if you wish to work in degrees.
A tree-based area that displays all objects in the scene
that have channels, allowing an individual channel to be
Note that <width> is expressed in pixels, while <height>
is expressed in number of visible rows.
Note that <selected_channel> must be a valid Channel
Object Agent instance.
Returns a Channel Object Agent instance with getvalue().
A "do-something-now" button that triggers a pre-defined
user-defined function within the script.
Note that <width> is expressed in pixels.
The following script illustrates the use of the setup
for, and use of, ctlbutton() control:
@version 2.1
c1 = ctlbutton("Increment",150,"addcount");
c2 = ctlinteger("Count",1);
setvalue(c2,getvalue(c2) + 1);
A boolean button, equivalent to a checkbox. Like ctlbutton(),
it triggers a pre-defined user-defined function (<action_udf>)
within the script. Unlike ctlbutton(), the UDF takes a value
that represents the current state of the boolean control.
A false (0) means it is off, a true (1) means it is on.
Note that <width> is expressed in pixels.
The following script illustrates the use of the setup
for, and use of, ctlstate() control:
@version 2.1
reqbegin("State Control");
c1 = ctlstate("Testing",true,100,"stateCallback");
stateCallback: val
info(val); // 0 - off, 1 - on
A listbox control that displays a single-column
collection of text entries.
Note that <width> is expressed in pixels, while <height>
is expressed in number of visible rows.
Two user-defined functions must be defined within the
script to return the total number of items in the
listbox (<count_udf>) and the string value at an
indicated index offset in the listbox (<name_udf>).
An optional <event_udf> can be defined and specified
that will receive control whenever an event is triggered
within the listbox (i.e., an item is selected).
The <count_udf> accepts no arguments, and returns the
integer count of items.
The <name_udf> accepts the integer index value being
queried, and returns a single string value to be placed
into that slot.
The optional <event_udf> accepts the integer index
value of the selected item, and returns nothing.
The following script illustrates the setup for, and
use of, the ctllistbox() control:
@version 2.1
for(x = 1;x <= 5;x++)
lb_items += "Item_" + x;
reqbegin("Testing List Box");
c1 = ctllistbox("Items",300,10,"lb_count","lb_name","lb_event");
lb_name: index
lb_event: index
info("You selected '",lb_items[index],"'!");
In addition, the following script illustrates how
button controls can be used to manage and interact
with the listbox contents:
@version 2.1
for(x = 1;x <= 5;x++)
lb_items += "Item_" + x;
reqbegin("Testing List Box");
c1 = ctllistbox("Items",300,10,"lb_count","lb_name");
c2 = ctlbutton("Add",200,"add_button");
c3 = ctlbutton("Delete",200,"del_button");
// don't use size() here because that
// counts all elements, even if they have
// 'nil'.
lb_name: index
lb_items += "Item_" + (lb_items.size() + 1);
sel = getvalue(c1);
lb_items[sel] = nil;
Note that, because of refresh pathways in the Panels
subsystem, the current selection in the listbox must
be updated in order to get the listbox to refresh
on the open panel. Panels has been optimized to
avoid refreshes if you set the selection to the
current selection, so you must select a new value
each time to trigger the refresh.
Several new CommandSequence functions have been added to Modeler LScript to support
Modeler [6].
Closes the active object. If it has been modified,
then the user will be prompted to save the mesh data
before it is removed.
Closes ALL objects in Modeler. If any objects have
been modified, then the user will be prompted to save
each mesh before it is removed.
Terminates Modeler. Any modified mesh data in the
system will cause a prompt to be presented to the
user for saving before Modeler terminates.
Toggles hidden mesh data in the current object
to become visible, while hiding currently visible
Sets the name for the currently selected foreground
layer(s). Calling the function with no arguments
removes any previously set layer names.
Selects the active Modeler object. The optional
index value specifies which object to select from
among objects with the same name.
Sets the pivot point for the current object to the
specific location.
Disconnects the shared vertices of two or more
polygons so that each has a complete set of unshared
The smoothshift() command now has a third optional argument that specifies the scaling
factor to be applied as a floating-point value.
A new time() function is available now that will return, as multiple items, the hour,
minute, second, and tick values for the current time. If a time value is provided as
an argument (defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st, 1900),
then returns values are relative to that time index.
The hour is in 24-hour military form, so values range from 0 to 23. The minutes and
seconds range from 0 to 59.
The 'tick' value is the number of seconds that that have elapsed since January 1st, 1900.
(h,m,s,t) = time();
A new date() function is available now that will return, as multiple items, the day of
the month, month, 4-digit year, day of the week, and the day of the year (a.k.a. julian
value), string value for the current month, and string value for the current day of the
week. If a time index value is provided as an argument (defined as the number of seconds
that have elapsed since January 1st, 1900), then the date() return values are relative to
that time index.
The day of the week begins at Sunday==1, and the day of the year runs from 1 to 365.
(d,m,y,w,j,sm,sw) = date();
The selpolygon() Modeler LScript function now accepts a PART selection condition, which
is parametered by the string part name to be selected.
The following Layout Command Sequence functions have been added to LScript (Generic and
Master), synchronizing LScript with Layout build 474:
Color values should be specified as floating-point values.
Calling Antialiasing() without arguments turns antialiasing off for the selected Camera.
The values 1-9 correspond to the antialiasing values available as of Layout build 459.
NOTE: be aware that running LScript v2.1 with builds of LightWave Layout prior
to 474 may generate error messages concerning unknown Command Sequence functions.
A filestat() function has been added to return various system-related values associated
with the file on disc. When passed a valid filename, filestat() returns (in order)
the file's last access time, creation time, and last modification time, the file size,
the number of links to the file (useful only under UNIX or NTFS file systems), the
file owner's user id (useful only under UNIX), and the file's group id (also useful
only under UNIX).
(a,c,m,s,l,u,g) = filestat("/etc/profile");
All values are integer, and the access, creation, and modification times are suitable
for use as arguments to the time() and date() functions.
The addcurve() function now optionally accepts a third parameter to indicate the state
of the curve. You can now provide START or END flags to indicate the control structure
of the curve. If no parameter is provided, then no controls will be applied to the curve.
Two new functions have been added to the LScript toolset for gathering information about
the host application's version.
returns the host application's version number
as a floating-point value. It contains the
major and minor values of the version. For
example, 6.1.
returns the sub-version build value of the
application as an integer. Because LightWave
build numbers are linear and are never reset,
this value is a more accurate means of
determining application feature sets than the
version number.
The pre-processor's @if/@end conditional code system has two new values that can be used as
conditions. The 'host_version' constant represents the application's current version as a
floating-point value, and the 'host_build' contains the host application's current build
number as an integer.
@if host_build > 410
Two new Requester commands have been added for Layout. These new commands enable non-modal
Requester panels in LScript.
reqopen() can be used in place of reqpost() to open the Requester panel in non-modal
mode. In this mode, the panel remains open and interactive to the user even after the
options() UDF has terminated. In order to process changes to panel controls in non-modal
mode, controls must have an active refresh callback applied. As controls are modified,
these refresh callbacks are invoked by LScript, and the script's process() UDF is
subsequently invoked by Layout to refresh the object's onscreen attributes.
reqisopen() is used to determine whether or not a Requester panel opened non-modally
is currently open. A Boolean true is returned if the panel is currently open. A non-modal
panel can be closed by calling reqend().
c1 = ctlangle("Heading",rad(myHeading));
c2 = ctlangle("Pitch",rad(myPitch));
c3 = ctlangle("Bank",rad(myBank));
Non-modal Requester panels are only available to Layout LScripts, with Generic LScripts
A plethora of new data members and methods have been added to the Channel Object Agent,
bringing it to maturity.
The following data members have been added:
Returns the number of keys contained in the envelope
associated with the channel.
A linear array that holds the keyframe identifiers
for all the keys contained in the envelope. It will
always be 'keyCount' in length.
Holds the type of the pre-behavior associated with
the envelope. It will be one of CHAN_RESET,
CHAN_OFFSET, CHAN_LINEAR. The string values
"reset", "constant", "repeat", "oscillate",
"offset", or "linear" can also be used.
Unlike most, this data member is NOT read-only.
Assigning one of the above constants to it will
actually alter the pre-behavior of the associated
Holds the type of the post-behavior associated with
the envelope. With the exception of it's name, this
data member functions identically to the 'preBehavior'
data member. It returns or alters the post-behavioral
setting for the envelope.
The following methods have been added:
Returns either 'nil' if no key exists at the specified
time index, or the identifier of the keyframe if it
Sets the value of the provided keyframe to the provided
value. <value>'s are always floating-point numbers.
Alters the time index for the specified keyframe.
Sets the type of interpolation that is used to evaluate
the keyframe. This can be one of CHAN_TCB, CHAN_HERMITE,
strings "TCB", "Hermite", "Bezier", "Linear", and "Stepped"
are also acceptable.
This method allows you to set the four Hermite Spline
coefficients. If you don't understand their use,
you probably won't be using this method anyway.
Sets the tension value for the specified keyframe.
Sets the continuity value for the specified keyframe.
Sets the bias value for the specified keyframe.
Returns the floating-point value associated with the
specified keyframe.
Returns the time index for the specified keyframe.
Returns the curve type for the specified keyframe.
See the entry for setKeyCurve() for a list of the
constant values that are returned.
Returns the four Hermite Spline coefficients that
are currently in use for the specified keyframe.
If getKeyCurve() does not return CHAN_HERMITE, then
you probably don't want to call this method.
Returns the current tension setting for the keyframe.
Returns the current continuity setting for the keyframe.
Returns the current bias setting for the keyframe.
This method creates a new keyframe at the specified
time index with the provided initial value. If the
key is created successfully, the keyframe identifier
is returned, otherwise 'nil' is returned. This method
will cause the 'keyCount' and 'keys[]' data members
to instantly update.
Keyframes can be deleted from the channel's envelope
with this method. Because this method also causes
the 'keyCount' and 'keys[]' data members to update
in real time, you need to be very careful when using
it within loops that are based no these data members.
Keyframe identifiers are not directly usable by your script, and are returned to you as
integer data types. Their only purpose is for use as arguments to methods that require
A new Envelope Object Agent has been added to LScript. The Envelope() constructor takes
three arguments, the last of which is optional:
The <name> argument is a string identifier for the new
envelope. The <type> value is one of CHAN_NUMBER,
The optional <group> argument is a string value that
identifies the group within which the new envelope will
reside. If the <group> indicated does not already exist,
LScript will create it.
This Object Agent shares the same methods and data members as those just added to the
Channel Object Agent (see above). In addition, it provides the following
Envelope-specific methods:
This method will copy into the instance the values found
in the provided Envelope Object Agent.
The contents and settings of the Envelope will be displayed
to the user for their interaction.
These two methods are used to stream the Envelope's settings
and data into and out of the scene file. They are context-
sensitive, meaning that they can only be called during those
particular phases of Layout--i.e., the save() method can only
be invoked from the save() UDF, and the load() method can only
be invoked from within the load() UDF. Hellfire and damnation
shall be your earthly reward should you attempt to use them
outside of their respective context.
Envelopes (and groups) generated by your script are
automatically destroy by LScript when your script terminates.
You can cause them to remain in Layout's internal channel
group listing by calling this method. If called without
arguments, the Envelope will be flagged as persistent. A
Boolean 'false' value will allow the Envelope to be removed
by LScript at script termination.
A new format() function can be used to format a string by performing
token substitution within the string with provided values. This is
much like C's printf() function. It can be used with individual
data elements, but is intended more for use with arrays.
Tokens are indicated by a dollar sign ($) followed by the numeric
index value to be taken from the arguments provided. Index value
need not be sequential, nor must you access all elements.
Individual arguments can be either a list of single data types
(variables or constants), or you can provide a single array value
to the used in the substitution. YOU CANNOT PROVIDE BOTH.
The function returns a string value that has all substitutions
d = date();
info(format("Today is $7, $6 $1, $3",d));
(h,m) = time();
ap = "AM";
if(h > 11)
ap = "PM";
h -= 12 if h > 12;
h = 12 if h == 0;
info(format("Time is currently $1:$2" + ap,h,m));
Corrected argument handling in Object Agent methods to account for multiple-element
arguments (such as Init Blocks).
The type of the Object Agent provided to the Item Animation create() function was hard-coded
as type MESH. I must have forgotten my Ginkgo biloba that day.
Recursive plug-in invocations (such as occur when you ask an Item Animation script to return
the world position of the object to which it is attached) were trashing their own instance
data because the internal switching stack was not cognizant of situations where the instance
data was already installed globally.
Passing a 'nil' value as an array index would crash the application. This has been trapped.
The lyrsetfg(), lyrsetbg(), lyrswap() and boundingbox() functions were not compliant with
Modeler's new unlimited layer mechanism, leaving them limited to only reaching layer numbers
32 or less (the number of bits in an integer).
The File Object Agent write() method, while already coded to work with linear arrays as
arguments, was performing processing intended for non-binary-mode files when the files were
in binary mode, leading, in some cases, to memory overruns and crashes.
Corrected the following Layout Command Sequence functions to accept a vector argument as
well as three floating-point values:
The Image Object Agent rgb() method was using bad index values when returning the RGB data.
The Image Object Agent wasn't being treated correctly by the Requester subsystem, making
access to its data/members impossible.
The foreach() iterator was not initializing its variable container, letting it start at
whatever value it might already have been holding.
Object Agent data member validation was broken, allowing references to invalid data members
(i.e., "shadow" instead of "shadows") to go quietly unpunished.
The Mac LScript random() function was not working correctly, returning the same number
each time it was called. This was likely due to Apple's philosophy of disallowing
Requester separator controls were not being properly initialized when they were assigned to
specific Tab control pages using ctlpage().
Function argument variables could not be assigned values within the UDF to override their
passed or default values.
The LScript debugger interface code contained a bug that would not correctly identify a
sub-UDF variable when an attempt was made in the LSIDE Debugger to add a watch for it.
CommandSequence calls could not be made from the Master options() UDF without causing a
Index values used to declare arrays could be less than 1, leading to weird errors or
The mathematical assignment operators +=, -=, *=, and /= would generate an error message
when an integer appeared on the left, and a floating point value on the right.