LScript v1.2 Release Notes

LScript v1.2 Release Notes

  Corrected the LScript software to detect ScreamerNet and behave properly

  The LWIO Object Agent, provided to load() and save() UDFs, was missing a
  writeVector() method for working with binary files.  This has been

  A new surface command has been added to LScript for Modeler.
  Copysurface() behaves like createsurface() in that it will create a new
  surface designator, but copysurface() takes an additional (required)
  parameter that is the name of an existing surface from whom settings will
  be taken.


  The conversion functions integer(), number() and vector() have been
  altered so that they will scan a provided character string until they
  find the first numeric occurrence (a number or a period [.] followed by a
  number) before they attempt to convert.

            x = integer("My number: 55");   // returns 55
            x = number("fskd#jdl.532(iew"); // returns .532

  The LWObject Object Agent has had additional functions added.   Whereas
  you can acquire attribute information using the param() method with a
  specifier (POSITION, ROTATION, etc.), you can now use individual methods
  to acquire the same information.


  The return value of the LWObject Object Agent method param() (as well as
  the individual methods discussed previously) has been altered from three
  individual numeric values to a single vector value.  This was done to
  simplify operations such as comparisons and to reduce memory and
  processing overhead by the implicit creation of arrays.

          newtime: id, frame, time
              pivot = id.param(PIVOT,time);   // 'pivot' is now a vector
                                                // instead of 'pivot[3]'

          newtime: id, frame, time
              pivot = id.getPivot(time);      // ditto

  The file() function call has been renamed to File() in order to adhere to
  Object Agent creation protocol.  The original function name will persist
  through this release to allow for time to update existing scripts.  The
  file() function will no longer exist in the next release of the LScript

  A new layer-management function has been added to LScript for Modeler.
  getfull() is the inverse of getempty(), and will return an array of
  layers that contain mesh data.

  Replacement layer management functions have been added to LScript for
  Modeler. Although no new layer functionality is added, these new names
  are more standardized in their construction.  The existing layer
  management functions (getempty(), fglayers(), etc.) will be retired in
  the next release of LScript for Modeler, so please update scripts

            New Name        Obsolete Name

            lyrfg()         fglayers()
            lyrbg()         bglayers()
            lyrdata()       getfull()
            lyrempty()      getempty()
            lyremptyfg()    getemptyfg()
            lyremptybg()    getemptybg()
            lyrswap()       swaplayers()
            lyrsetfg()      setlayer()
            lyrsetbg()      setblayer()

  The NONPLANAR option to selpolygon() was not correctly allowing its
  numeric argument to be optional.  This has been corrected.

  The requester control mechanism has undergone an overhaul.  New functions
  have been added that replace the existing creation functions and bring
  new functionality to the scripting interface.  The existing control
  creation functions addcontrol(), addtext() and all Layout-extended
  functions (addrgb(), addcheckbox(), etc.) are now obsolete and will be
  removed in the next release of LScript.

 Function         Argument                                   Application

 ctlstring()      <title>,<string>                           Modeler/Layout
 ctlinteger()     <title>,<integer>                          Modeler/Layout
 ctlnumber()      <title>,<number>                           Modeler/Layout
 ctlvector()      <title>,<vector>                           Modeler/Layout
 ctldistance()    <title>,<number>                           Modeler/Layout
 ctlchoice()      <title>,<button>,<labels>[,<orientation>]  Modeler/Layout
 ctltext()        <title>,<text>[,<text>...]                 Modeler/Layout
 ctlcolor()       <title>,<vector>|<int>|<int>,<int>,<int>   Modeler/Layout
 ctlsurface()     <title>,<string>                           Modeler
 ctlfont()        <title>,<integer>                          Modeler

 ctlrgb()         <title>,<vector>|<int>|<int>,<int>,<int>   Layout
 ctlhsv()         <title>,<vector>|<int>|<int>,<int>,<int>   Layout
 ctlcheckbox()    <title>,<boolean>                          Layout
 ctlfilename()    <title>,<string>                           Layout

 ctlallitems()    <title>                                    Layout
 ctlmeshitems()   <title>                                    Layout
 ctlcameraitems() <title>                                    Layout
 ctllightitems()  <title>                                    Layout
 ctlboneitems()   <title>                                    Layout
 ctlimageitems()  <title>                                    Layout

  Random number generation in LScript has been altered to create a wider
  dispersal of numbers for random() calls that happen very close to each

  The random() function has been enhanced to accept and return negative
  integer values as well as positive.

  The save() and load() UDFs were not functioning properly when called for
  binary files (as is the case with LScript Procedural Texture).  This has
  been corrected.

  The LScript Image Filter architecture now has two new functions
  available, for use during image caching (see cache()).  getpixel() and
  putpixel() allow direct column and row access to pixel data.  These
  functions only operate if image caching is enabled.

 Function   Argument                                     Return

 getpixel() <col>,<row>                                  red,grn,blu,alpha
 putpixel() <col>,<row>,<red>[,<grn>[,<blu>[,<alpha>]]]  none

  The round() function has been corrected/enhanced to accept a second, non-
  optional integer parameter to indicate the number of decimals of
  precision to be retained.  A value of '0' indicates that the provided
  number is to be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

            i = round(45.3465,2) // returns '45.35'

  A new function called angle() has been added to LScript.  This function
  will return the angle, in degrees, between two points on a specified
  plane (XZ, YZ, or XY).  It accepts two vectors representing the two
  points, and a third parameter that specifies the axis perpendicular to
  the plane in which the angle should be calculated.

              pnt1 = pointinfo(points[1]);
              pnt2 = pointinfo(points[2]);

            info(angle(pnt1,pnt2,X),    // return angle in the YZ plane
                 " degrees");

  The selpoint() and selpolygon() functions have been enhanced to accept
  arrays or initialization blocks of index or identifier values when the
  POINTID, POINTNDX, POLYID, or POLYNDX selection tags are used.


            count = editbegin();
              a[1] = points[1];
              a[2] = points[count];

            selpoint(SET,POINTID,a);  // select first and last points

            selpolygon(SET,POLYNDX,@1,3,5@);  // select polygons 1,3 and 5

  Corrected the engine to allow point and polygon ids to be used in
  initialization blocks.

  Corrected target-name construction for the LSC-LW compiler on the Mac
  and Sun platforms.

  Corrected memory release problems with the LSC-LW and LSC-MD compilers.