Layout Monitor
Availability LightWave® 7.0
Component Layout
Header lwmonitor.h
The Layout monitor global returns functions for initializing and displaying a progress
dialog in Layout. This is primarily for showing the progress of lengthy or complex
operations in non-handler plug-in classes. Filters and file importer classes have their
own monitor mechanisms. See also the monitor global for Modeler.
Global Call
LWLMonFuncs *lmonf;
The global function returns a pointer to an LWLMonFuncs.
typedef struct st_LWLMonFuncs {
LWLMonID (*create) (void);
void (*setup) (LWLMonID, char *title, unsigned int flags,
const char *histfile);
void (*setwinpos)(LWLMonID, int x, int y, int w, int h);
void (*init) (LWLMonID, unsigned int total, const char *);
int (*step) (LWLMonID, unsigned int incr, const char *);
void (*done) (LWLMonID);
void (*destroy) (LWLMonID);
} LWLMonFuncs;
- mon = create()
- Create a new monitor instance. The monitor returned by create is passed as the
first argument to the other monitor functions.
setup( mon, title, flags, histfile )
- Configure the monitor. The title string is the title of the monitor window. The
histfile is the filename of a history file where messages displayed to the user
will also be written. This can be NULL if you don't want a history file. The flags can be
any of the following combined using bitwise-or.
- By default, the user can inform you that your operation should be stopped. This flag
disables the Abort button.
- If this is set, the monitor window remains open after you call done. This
allows the user to review the messages displayed during the operation.
- By default, the history file is overwritten each time init is called. This flag
causes new message strings to be appended to the file instead.
- Enables immediate update of the monitor on every step. The default is to delay updates
to avoid incurring too much overhead for rapid step events.
setwinpos( mon, x, y, w, h )
- Set the position and size of the monitor window. The dimensions are in pixels. If you
don't call this, Layout will select defaults for you.
init( mon, total, message )
- Open the monitor window. The total is the number of steps in the operation.
While step is being called, Layout displays your progress to the user as a
percentage of this total. The message is the first string displayed to the user.
abort = step( mon, increment, message )
- Advance the progress display by the fraction total/increment. When the sum of
the steps reaches the total, the progress display will indicate to the user that the task
has finished. An increment of 0 is valid and can be used to change the message without
changing the progress indication. The message can also be NULL, in which case
Layout may substitute a generic progress message. If step returns 1, the user has
requested that the task be aborted.
done( mon )
- Tell the monitor that the task has been completed. If the flags passed to setup
included LMO_REVIEW, the monitor window remains open and control won't be
returned from done until the user closes the window. Otherwise done
closes the window and control returns immediately.
destroy( mon )
- Free the monitor instance and resources allocated by create. If it's open, the
monitor window will be closed.
This code fragment creates and displays a monitor in Layout. Displaying progress to the
user is helpful but not essential, so in most cases failure in some part of the monitor
processing shouldn't cause your plug-in to fail.
#include <lwserver.h>
#include <lwgeneric.h>
#include <lwmonitor.h>
#include <time.h>
LWLMonFuncs *monf;
LWLMonID mon;
int i, total, step;
/* get the global and a monitor */
if ( monf ) {
mon = monf->create();
if ( mon )
monf->setup( mon, "Just Testing", LMO_REVIEW, NULL );
/* perform a lengthy task */
if ( monf && mon ) monf->init( mon, total, "Starting..." );
for ( i = 0; i < total; i += step ) { something...
if ( monf && mon )
if ( monf->step( mon, step, NULL )) {
monf->step( mon, 0, "Aborted!" );
if ( monf && mon ) monf->done( mon );
/* no longer need the monitor */
if ( monf && mon ) monf->destroy( mon );