Comp InfoAvailability LightWave® 6.0 The compositing info global identifies the images being used as the background, foreground and foreground alpha images. This data structure is read-only. Global Call LWCompInfo *compinfo; compinfo = global( LWCOMPINFO_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); The global function returns a pointer to an LWCompInfo. typedef struct st_LWCompInfo { LWImageID bg; LWImageID fg; LWImageID fgAlpha; } LWCompInfo;
Example This code fragment retrieves information about the background image. #include <lwserver.h> #include <lwrender.h> #include <lwimage.h> LWCompInfo *compinfo; LWImageList *imglist; char *name; int width, height; compinfo = global( LWCOMPINFO_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); imglist = global( LWIMAGELIST_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); if ( !compinfo || !imglist ) goto ErrorBadGlobal; name = imglist->name( ); imglist->size(, &width, &height ); ... |