Availability LightWave® 6.0
Component Layout
Header lwmotion.h
Motion handlers apply procedural translation, rotation and scaling to an item. They can
be associated with any item in a scene that can be keyframed (objects, lights, cameras,
Handler Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyItemMotion( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWItemMotionHandler *local, void *serverData );
The local argument to a motion handler's activation function is an
typedef struct st_LWItemMotionHandler {
LWInstanceFuncs *inst;
LWItemFuncs *item;
void (*evaluate)(LWInstance, const LWItemMotionAccess *);
unsigned int (*flags) (LWInstance);
} LWItemMotionHandler;
The first two members of this structure are standard handler
functions. The context argument to the inst->create function is
the LWItemID of the item associated with this instance.
In addition to the standard handler functions, a motion handler provides an evaluation
function and a flags function.
- evaluate( instance, access )
- This is where the motion handler does its work. LightWave® calls the evaluation function
at every point in the animation at which an item's motion parameters need to be
calculated. The access structure, described below, tells you the item being animated and
the frame and time of the evaluation, and provides functions to set motion parameters for
the current time and to get the item's motion parameters for any time.
f = flags( instance )
- Returns an integer containing flags combined using bitwise-or. Currently the only flag
is LWIMF_AFTERIK, which specifies that the plug-in will be evaluated after
LightWave® has performed the inverse kinematics calculations for the item.
Interface Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyInterface( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWInterface *local, void *serverData );
The interface activation's local data is the standard interface
structure for handlers.
Motion Access
The evaluation function receives an LWItemMotionAccess structure. The data members are
read-only. The functions provide the means to get and set motion parameters.
typedef struct st_LWItemMotionAccess {
LWItemID item;
LWFrame frame;
LWTime time;
void (*getParam) (LWItemParam, LWTime, LWDVector);
void (*setParam) (LWItemParam, const LWDVector);
} LWItemMotionAccess;
- item
- The ID for the item to be affected by the procedural motion.
- The frame number at which the motion should be evaluated.
- The animation time for which the motion should be evaluated.
getParam( param, lwtime, vec )
- Returns a motion parameter for the item at any given time. Only the LWIP_POSITION,
LWIP_ROTATION and LWIP_SCALING parameters may be queried.
setParam( param, vec )
- Used by the evaluation function to set the computed motion of the item at the current
parameters may be set.
If you want to modify an item's motion, rather than completely replace it, call getParam
for the current time to find out what the item's unmodified motion would be, then
calculate a new motion based on that and call setParam.
XCALL_( static void )
Evaluate( MyInstance *inst, const LWItemMotionAccess *access )
LWDVector pos;
access->getParam( LWIP_POSITION, access->time, pos ); something to pos[]...
access->setParam( LWIP_POSITION, pos );
The kepler sample is a motion handler that moves an
item in an elliptical orbit |