Availability LightWave® 6.0
Component Layout, Modeler
Header lwdialog.h
Color pickers prompt the user for a color selection. They replace the operating
system's default color selection mechanism, or provide one if no default exists.
See the Color Picker global for a discussion of
color pick requests from the host's point of view.
Activation Function
XCALL_( int ) MyColorPick( int version, GlobalFunc *global,
LWColorPickLocal *local, void *serverData );
The local argument to a color picker's activation function is an
typedef void LWHotColorFunc( void *data, float r, float g, float b );
typedef struct st_LWColorPickLocal {
int result;
const char *title;
float red, green, blue;
void *data;
LWHotColorFunc *hotFunc;
} LWColorPickLocal;
- result
- The result of the request. Set this to 1 if the user selects a color, 0 if the user
cancels the request, and a negative number to indicate an error.
- The title string. This is generally displayed near the top of the color dialog and tells
the user the context of the color request.
red, green, blue
- The initial color. If the user selects a color, the selected color should be written in
these fields. The nominal range for RGB levels is 0.0 to 1.0, but they can be outside this
- A pointer to data that should be passed to the caller's color callback.
hotFunc( data, r, g, b )
- A color callback supplied by the host. Call this while the user is playing with any of
your color selection mechanisms. This allows the host to update its display interactively
as the user selects a color. (The "hot" part of the name refers to this dynamic
interaction. This isn't a video color gamut test.)
The simpcolr SDK sample is a simple example of a
color picker. |