9.2 Changes 9.3.1 Changes Table of Contents

9.3 Changes

July 29th, 2007

This is a list of the changes in the LightWave® 9.3 release that affect the SDK.


  • Gizmos are a new handler class available to most Layout plugin classes. They complement or replace interface handlers. A gizmo is like an interface drawn in a viewport, similar to layout tools. Users can interact with gizmos through dragging handles.


  • Added event callback capability, to inform plugin when the meshinfo is being destroyed.


  • The LWXPanelTextXFormFunc callback, set through the XpTEXTXFORMFUNC tag, has been changed to include the panel and control IDs.
  • The "zoomfactor-env" control has been added for camera plugins.


  • The setCSysItem function has been added to LWCustomObjAccess to set the item used for LWCSYS_OBJECT and LWCSYS_ICON coordinate systems.


  • Added the double sided area lights information to the sceneinfo global.

Commands: Layout

  • Nine new commands have been added to allow management of scene Compositing elements.
    • SetBackgroundImage
    • SetForegroundImage
    • SetForegroundAlphaImage
    • SyncImageToFrame
    • EnableForegroundFaderAlpha
    • SetForegroundDissolve
    • EnableForegroundKey
    • SetLowClipColor
    • SetHighClipColor

LScript v2.11

  • Three new platform() codes have been added to LScript: WIN32, WIN64, and MAC64. The Windows codes break down as follows:
    INTEL(32-bit Windows)
    WIN32(32-bit Windows)
    WIN64(64-bit Windows)
    The Macintosh codes are a bit more diverse:
    MACINTOSH(32-bit non-MACH)
    MACUB(32-bit MACH)
    MAC64(64-bit MACH)
  • The new Compositing commands (see above) have been added to LScript as native commands. The image setting commands accept a string name, an integer index value, or an Image Object Agent:


    In order to clear an image from a particular spot, you can pass in "(none)" as the image name, or you can simply use 'nil':

    SetBackgroundImage("(none)"); // no background image
    SetForegroundImage(nil); // no foreground image

    Note that turning off either the foreground or foreground alpha images in this way will have a cascading effect on other compositing settings dependent upon having valid images in those slots. They will be disabled if they were previously active.